Elections Process & Timeline
As outlined in our bylaws, the governing body of Utah Central Association of REALTORS® (hereafter referred to as "the Association") shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the President, President Elect, First Vice President, Immediate Past President, nine (9) REALTOR® Members of the Association (one of whom will be nominated by the President and ratified by the Board of Directors to serve as Treasurer/Director), the four (4) Chapter Presidents, and the Chief Staff Executive, who is a non-voting member.
Each year, the President-Elect will automatically advance to the office of President; the First Vice President will automatically advance to the office of President-Elect; the President will automatically move to the office of Immediate Past President, and elections will be held for the First Vice President, as well as for open positions on the Board. Officer positions shall serve for a 1-year term. Board members will serve for 2-year terms.
The timeline for the 2025 Board of Directors Elections will be as follows:
July 29–August 20: Nominations for open positions
August 21-22: Nominating Committee chooses candidates who will be moved to the final ballot. Due to the large number of nominations, not all those nominated will make it to the final ballot
August 23: Candidates announced via email. Additional candidates may be placed in nomination by a petition signed by at least 20% of the REALTOR® Membership
September 5: Petition Date — Any Petitions for additional candidates are due by 5 PM
September 6: Final ballot will be sent to the Membership via email
September 9: Voting begins. Election of the candidates will be by popular vote submitted via MLS, phone, and email
September 27: Voting ends at 5 PM
September 30: 2025 Board of Directors announced via email
2025 New First Vice President (President in 2027)
KW Westfield (Excellence)
2025 New Members of Board of Directors
South Rim Realty
RE/MAX Associates
Jennifer Belliston
RE/MAX Associates (Utah County)
The Lance Group Real Estate
KW Westfield (Excellence)