
Committees are lead by fellow REALTORS® and Affiliates of UCAR and provide members like you the prospect of growing in leadership, service and networking roles. Come and enjoy the company of other professionals to help make the association a better resource for you and your colleagues.
Each committee maintains a regular meeting schedule. You can become a member of any committee at anytime. To sign up, select the “Join Now” link on that committee page or call UCAR at 801-226-3777.
You can learn more about each UCAR committee by selecting the links below. Thank you in advance for your involvement.
Affiliate Committee
Meeting Time:
First Wednesday of the month at 9:00 a.m.
The Affiliate Community can be of significant help to REALTORS® and REALTORS® can be a significant help to the Affiliates. As we have close working relationships with related industries and companies, we are a stronger community.
- Encourage any Affiliate member in good standing to participate.
- Identify areas where Affiliates can interact and network with REALTORS®.
- Identify emerging trends in their market and develop information that can be communicated to REALTOR® membership.
- Identify other companies who should be invited to participate as Affiliate members and encourage them to join.
- Coordinate support for REALTORS® programs and activities.
Nicole Ashton
Director Liaison
Dan Dixon & Justin Hutchins
Staff Liaison
Elise Fiso
Community Involvement/UARHOF Committee
Meeting time:
Third Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m.
The real estate industry is often viewed as an easy money industry that makes good money but does little in return for communities. As the REALTOR® community takes an active role in improving the quality of life in the communities where we live and work, our public image increases, city governments are more willing to have us be an active part of the policy making process, our communities improve, and our future success is enhanced. As we work together in a “non-transaction” environment we expand our networks and build friendships which help us operate more professionally.
- Plan and execute at least three community service projects that involve at least 50 REALTORS® members, in at least two different cities.
The Utah Association of REALTORS® Housing Opportunity Fund is funded by interest on Brokers trust accounts. These moneys are then used for housing related charitable donations in our community. This is a great opportunity to do something great for the community with very little cost to the agents and brokers.
- Expand the number of UCAR brokers participating in UARHOF
- Contact each broker who is not participating and encourage participation. If brokers cannot participate because of their banking relationships, ask for a direct office contribution.
- Explore ways to streamline the application process for charities seeking donations.
Danette Landon
Director Liaison
Allison Greetham & Liesha Geddes
Staff Liaison
Alex Kyler
Government Affairs Committee
Meeting time:
First Thursday of the month at 10:00 a.m.
Local government can have a very significant effect on the daily life of REALTORS®. Active involvement will give us a voice at the table to help craft reasonable ordinances, protect property rights, and keep a good business environment for REALTORS® and their clients
- Develop a functioning “city liaison” program for each assigned city.
- Meet with the mayor of each assigned city on an annual basis.
- Meet with Utah County legislators on an annual basis.
- Assist with the development of policy statements for local issues affecting the real estate industry.
- Interview and take positions on at least 8 mayor positions in local election years.
- Interview and take positions on at least 8 city council races in local election years.
- Interview and take positions on county commission races.
- Evaluate the structure of the UCARPAC Trustees and see if we need to modify in order to be more effective.
To access the Utah County Association of REALTORS® Statement of Policy, click here.
Leslie Jones
Director Liaison
Kylie Lance & Sheri Ramsay
Staff Liaison
Peter Christensen
& Matt Clewett
Social Committee
Meeting time:
Third Thursday of the month at 1:30 p.m. (usually) Watch for an email the week of the proposed meeting.
“‘Promote professionalism’ within the Utah Central Association of Realtors members by planning and executing events that promote and foster unity, conversation, connection and fun.”
- Organize and promote 3-5 major social events for members and Affiliates fulfilling our purpose.
- Strive to provide these networking experiences seasonally.